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Decoding Pluton (冥王星を解読する) - Page 2 Latest?cb=20170705082734&path-prefix=vi

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The long walk down the tight halls was almost torturous to Gozu who was almost falling asleep. If not for Akia walking right next to him, Gozu would have stopped. He didn't want to risk the fifty Marines who were bringing up the rear to Bazil or Jackal, both of the men were hardened criminals and not someone that should be taken lightly. With an annoyed sigh, Gozu glanced over his shoulder at the men and stopped them. "Change of plan. You all are going to spread out in the various halls here, if anyone comes through that isn't a Marine, open fire and report your location into the Den Den's you're carrying. That's all. Keep each other safe and move out." Gozu ordered and rolled his neck to crack bones and limber up. "Something wrong sir?" Akia asked with a furrowed brow. "I have a bad feeling, something is wrong with all of this. We don't have all the details and we could be walking into a trap." Gozu rationalized...

Decoding Pluton (冥王星を解読する) - Page 2 GpJv3nX

Claud arrived first on the scene, watching from afar down the hall that led into the main chamber, keeping to the shadows while his men continued to work on setting charges. In Claud's mind, Gozu was a loose end who cared too much about others to get the job done, but he would make a good distraction so that Claud could try and get the key to Pluton. Just when he was starting to give up on Gozu arriving, so that Claud could make the save and look like a true Government hero, Gozu's voice echoed in the chamber at the center of the catacombs.

"This is Commander Gozu of the Marines. Come out with your hands up. I know you're in there. I promise that if you come peacefully nobody will have to get hurt." He shouted as he and Akia stepped into the main chamber of the catacombs. The pair looked around and Gozu glanced at the massive slab with a raised brow. "You killed the king for a giant rock? I hope it was worth it.... I take it you're Jackal... I respect you as an opponent but I'd rather not cross blades." Gozu looked straight at Jackal while settling into a fighting stance, fully expecting Jackal to attack even if Gozu really didn't want to fight. Akia took a few steps back to give Gozu all the space he needed while she too drew her weapon and took a deep breath. She wasn't nearly as skilled as Gozu but she vowed to not hold him back.





"Act V"

It's the thrill in the end. In that moment when something stolen becomes mine or is it? That's the bliss I desire.

Two persons entered into the chamber at first, it'd be at that moment that Jackal activated his Kenbunshoku Haki to garner a proper assessment of how many men he was truly dealing with. A smirk plastered his face when his Mind's Eye had picked up on the small army behind the two marines, dressed in standard marine uniform. The formation they'd assumed to be a makeshift pincer attack, directly in front of Jackal was the man named Gozu, who'd be standing about thirty-meters away from his position. To his rear, on the other side of the stone would be an unknown force, all dressed in all black suits, but they'd be further down the chamber, not fully within the scope of Jackal's Mind's Eye. It was important that the Mink didn't feel overwhelmed at any point, his goal was to draw this party out for as long as possible. At the top of the Poneglyph, Talibah feverishly sketched away at this map, trying to determine which route in the chamber would lead them to Jackal's Barron Vessel. In a worse case scenario, he'd know if push came to shove, he'd have to join into the fight to assist the Mink but at this point, he'd focus all his energies on the task assigned. "Gozu? As in the Sleeping Beast Gozu who took out the Rum Beard Pirates? I see the Marines aren't pulling punches in detaining me. For the record before this goes any further, I didn't kill the King. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, doing something equally as bad." Jackal stated smirking. "It'd rather not fight you either Gozu. How about we make a deal? I'll return Pluton's Key. We all go home like none of this happened." Jackal offered. What would happen next would be completely up to Gozu, he'd watch the massive ten foot man carefully for any sudden movements or orders to his men at his hind. The real problem was the force to the back of Jackal, he'd have make sure that the timing they used on getting involved didn't clash with any orders of his own.

In Yuba, Amalia patiently waits on the outskirts of the outlaw Paradise for the sparrow that Jackal warned would be approaching. In the distance, a single messenger sparrow approached Yuba, and waving her hands into the air, Amalia made it known that the message was for her. Landing on Amalia's shoulder, the woman detached the location from the Sparrow's leg, and opened the map leading to two locations, one, was Bazil's and the other location was Jackal's own. "I know this place. It's in Yuba! Jose's Nacho Bar!" Amalia shouted. Whistling, into the abyss of the desert, the ground began to rumble. Incoming in the distance at an alarming speed was Amalia's trusty Giant Crab, who she'd use for most of her high paced transports. Within moments, the Crab had arrived to her position, jumping from left to right in excitement. Scaling the Giant, Amalia make two click noises with her mouth, causing the Crab to dash into the City, after about fifteen minutes of travel into Yuba, the Giant Crab stood before Jose's Nacho Bar. Shotgun in hand, Amalia scaled the Crab, standing before the burning bar, scaling the outskirts of the area for the face on the Bounty Poster, resting the weapon on her shoulder. "Bazil Styx?" Amalia stated with urgent demeanour, as only a trio remained watching the fire, as the other civilians ran in fear."Jackal sent me to pick you up. He's gone and got himself in more trouble again." Amalia stated. Amalia had heard about Bazil's reputation and brought along trusty shotgun just incase anyone in Bazil's posse got frisky. "However. The map he plotted out for me... It'd take forever to get there using that route. I'm going to circle around to his actual location on the map using the co-ordinates. I'm going to need you to blast through about hundred feet of bottomless sand. Can you handle that much?"Amalia inquired grinning, asking in cheeky manner.

Timer: Bazil/Amalia are officially Three Rounds away from Jackal's position.

Haki | Skills:

Words: 668
Doriki: + 5 into Speed & Agility | + 5 into Power & Strength | Pugilist Bonus
Tagged: @NPC @Batman4560 @ai47



As Jose’s Nacho Bar when up in flames, Bazil sat on a rock as he waited for the messenger that Jackal had sent for him, the sounds of screaming intermixed with the arguing of Yasuke and Ezekiel. The Prophet demanding that the people needed to seek forgiveness from his lord, forgiveness that can only be found in death, Yasuke on the other hand, tried to explain how stupid Ezekiel really sounded. Prompted another scuffle between the two of them, “Man, I wish this fucker would hurry up..” Bazil sighed to himself, closing his left eye, Bazil held his right hand out stretched, his index finger in the form of revolvers barrel, thumb up mimicking the hammer. The pirate began shooting holes into the water tower that stood next to the Nacho bar, sending trickles of water spurting out and down to the Sandy ground, the direction from which he fired preventing them from spilling onto the burning building.

After about six shots, Bazil noticed something in the distance, a giant sand cloud was moving towards their location, and it was moving fast. The young man spun on the rock, now facing the west, the direction the cloud was coming from, within minutes they were faced with a giant sand crab and a woman. She was beautiful and tanned, her dark midnight hair fashioned into a bun, a red silk robe with thigh high slits on each side, and a shotgun over her shoulder. The moment the woman stepped off the crab she reached into the opening of her robe and pulled out a sugar cane root and a bounty poster, as she bit down on the cane, the woman held up the poster scanned the area, quickly noticing the young pirate and his devilish grin peering back at her, the root bounced around as she hollered out his name.

“The one and only.” Bazil snickered back, “I guess lil’ ole Ears is in some shit, big brother Bazil will come save his ass.” The pirate chuckled standing up, snapping his fingers and hollering towards his companions, “Ayo, quit dickin around you fucks, grab our shit and lets go!” Ezekiel and Yasuke quickly complied, ending their brawl and gathering their bags that had sat over on the ground. Returning to the Red devil’s side, Ezekiel placed the royal cloak over Bazil’s bare shoulders, after which the young man approached the woman and addressed her final comment, “Don’t worry your pretty little head, you’ll see I’m packin things a lot bigger than you can handle.” He said smugly, referencing his cock along with her attempt at bringing along a shotgun as a counter measure to him. Chuckling, the pirate climbed onto the giant grab with his companions following suit, loading their bags onto the creature’s giant shell.






Gozu gave Jackal a friendly smile and nod. "As much as I appreciate you wanting to solve this peacefully something tells me that you're not being completely honest... You went through all that trouble to steal Pluton's Key and now you're willing to give it back? Contrary to popular belief, I am a bit smarter than people give me credit for. How about this. You give yourself up, give me the key. All of it and for working with me, I'll be sure you get the shortest sentence possible. With good behavior you will be out in next to no time." Gozu counter offered. He waited for Jackal to reply while watching the Mink carefully. Holding one hand back he urged Akia to stay where she was while he himself drew closer to the Mink man.

The tension in the air was thick, almost oppressive in how it seemed to fill the chamber the group stood in. "Before we conclude things though... there is one thing. What are you stalling for?" Gozu questioned while lifting his sword and making a swing, not for Jackal but towards him, to attack behind the man, attempting, with a wind slash to destroy the massive tablet that loomed in the shadows. Quickly Gozu fell into a fighting stance while Akia did the same, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of a trap, figuring that if she couldn't compare to the clash that was about to be Gozu and Jackal, she could at least have her commanders back.

In that time Claud had to keep his hand pressed to his lips, trying to hold back a chuckle he knew would give away his location. Luckily he managed to keep silent while one of his spies tapped him on the back of the shoulder and gave Claud a thumbs up. So then, the charges are set... No matter who comes out of this it looks like I'll be the winner. Claud thought and responded to his spy with a nod and hand gesture to keep silent while everyone began their battle.




"Act VI"

It's the thrill in the end. In that moment when something stolen becomes mine or is it? That's the bliss I desire.

"A shorter sentence... I appreciate that. See? Communication." Jackal stated chuckling, reaching slowly towards his pockets, making sure to not make any subtle movements. "Don't be too on guard, I'm just going to toss you Pluton's Key." Jackal continued. As Gozu inched closer and closer, Jackal could've felt the pressure from the man called the Sleeping Beast, however, in this instance he was wide and awake, and the man's ocean blue eyes seemingly held a majestic flare to them that would paralyse the weakest of hearts. It was about five meters away from his position where Gozu would've inquired about the seemingly slow pace of Jackal's actions and this conversation, reaching for his blade's hilt, the man drew his weapon in one motion, releasing an arc of wind with a sharp edge, about two inches above Jackal's ears, shaving the hair off their tips, sending an attack towards the pillar. Jackal remained calm and collected, they're was now way Gozu knew of the persons to the Poneglyph's peak. Monitoring Gozu's position and the wind blade's position, Jackal watched as the Wind Blade crashed into the Poneglyph but it's force wouldn't have been enough to break it or damage it in one blow. However, the Poneglyph shook with tremendous force, to the point that the power of the attack caused the earth beneath to tremble with authority. It'd be at this point that Gozu was about three meters away from Jackal, within striking distance, and the Mink had had his hands inside his pocket to remove Pluton's Key, or so was the ruse. His smile extending wider, "I guess it's time for our game to begin. Gozu." Jackal stated. In an instance, Jackal detonated the upper segment of his left and right arms, releasing an explosive force that trickled outwards at Tertiary Speeds, the Secondary Force encompassing over a ten meter radius. In the wake of this attack, a medium sized debris field of around ten meter radius covered the battlefield, as if a series of land mind's had went off. With Jackal's hands concealed, his clothes unaffected by the Devil Fruit Abilities, it'd just appear that Gozu had somehow activated traps, as so far, Jackal hadn't revealed his status as an unsanctioned user to the world. With everyone in the area's vision impaired, Jackal would've monitored the aura's of everyone in the field using his Kenbunshoku Haki, tracking Akia and Gozu's response to the explosive charge.

Jackal wouldn't be too hasty to move from his point but he'd shuffle around ten feet to the left, moving out of Gozu's direct line of sight. Once the coast was clear, he'd bend his knees and dash using one burst, to Akia's position at about ten meters away. Once he'd travelled six meters towards the woman, Jackal would release another explosion, this time with his two feet, creating second blast, similar in nature, and with this, enough debris to cover (two posts) and approximately fifteen meters of the battlefield would've been present. Jackal would've made these actions after any movement's Gozu would've made to respond to his initial explosion because making no move at all would've spelt serious injuries for all parties involved. At the peak of the Poneglyph, Jackal's men fight for their lives, trying to remained laid positions at the top of the large pillar of stone. In the centre, Talibah scribed away, trying to sketch out the escape route, "Almost there... Keep at it... Jackal." Talibah thought, as his fingers danced along the intricate lines of the Catacombs map.

"Oh please. That's what all the boys say." Amalia stated grinning to Bazil's response about not being able to handle his 'junk'. Climbing aboard the Crab, Bazil and his companions, a fairly massive samurai and a very trendy punk rocker, scaled the Crab moments after Amalia's mounting. Sitting on the basket provided, which was strapped around the Crab, Amalia made two clicks with her mouth and the Crab sped out of the city, heading South this time at incredible speeds. Extending the map sent to her, Amalia would've determined their positions in real-time, as the sand crustacean plowed through the dead sand as if it was sea water. Using a series of clicks noises with her mouth, every now and again so subtly, Amalia would adjust the crabs route with her commands, until it was one smooth course towards their destination. Exhaling, "That's it! Continue on this course at this pace big guy!" Amalia shouted. Turning towards Bazil and his men, "We'll be at our location within a days time. I suggest you lot rest up in the interim." Amalia suggested.  

Timer: Bazil/Amalia are officially Two Rounds away from Jackal's position.

Haki | Skills:

Words: 782
Doriki: + 5 into Speed & Agility | + 5 into Power & Strength | Pugilist Bonus
Tagged: @NPC @Batman4560 @ai47



“Well good thing I’m a fuckin king, not a boy” Bazil arrogantly responded to the woman as she boarded her crab, doing his best to create a prime viewing angle of the woman’s voluptuous ass, snickering as he did it. Waiting for her to be completely settled on the crustacean before following her up, no sooner after they settled into the basket, the trio heard two clicks from the front and they were off, Bazil’s hair and duck feathered cloak thrashing about in the wind as the giant crab dashed off into the barren desert.

Bazil sat across from Ezekiel, the prophet clearly feigning excitement for the predicament their captain had gotten them into. Though the man was tall and intimidating, even having killed quite a number of unarmed, untrained civilians, he was much more bark than bite. “I-ist thou ready to spill blood?” The man’s nervousness showed in his voice, even going so far as to break his accent for a moment at the man, speaking like a normal person for once.

To which Bazil quickly glanced at him giving him a confused look, “Did you just…?”

“Oh who cares!” Yasuke shouted balling his eyes out, “Why young lord?! Why do you always to this to me!” the samurai sobbed into his large hands, “We were having such a nice uneventful day!”

Bazil smirked at his companion toothy grin in full bloom, “Turns out my little brothers in some shit and we gotta go help the fuzzy little bastard.” Bazil finished, chuckling as he leaned back and closed his eyes, laying the back of his head into the palms of his hands. ''Ayo! Gorgeous, wake me when ya want something wrecked.''






A bomb? Gozu pondered as two explosive forces rippled from Jackal's elbows, something that Gozu wasn't expecting but his body still anticipated a counter to his swipe at the large tablet behind Jackal. Even if he did aim over Jackal's head on purpose he thought it would have made the man drop down and leave himself open. Instead it was Gozu who was on the defensive at that moment. As the explosion rippled out, Gozu sprang back into the air and slashed his sword at the ground, creating a gust of wind that blew the marine backwards, keeping pace with the explosive force until Gozu collided back first into a wall. His feet planted and his body tensed while he quickly took stock of the situation. This is a drag... He thought to himself when he realized he couldn't see and would have to use haki to keep track of who and what was close to him. Quickly Gozu closed and opened his eyes, activating his Observation Haki to quickly lock onto the location of Akia more so than anyone else. The second explosion gave away where Jackal was sailing towards...

Akia watched in stunned silence at the exchange of attacks between Gozu and Jackal and her grip on the blade in her hand loosened. "I'm not in their league... why does he trust me? She whispered as the explosion blew out and covered the area in dirt and burned the young woman just enough to force her to remove her jacket as it turned to ash along with her hat. By the time she got the fabrics off her body a pair of smaller explosions rang out and through the dust she could see something billowing from the dust of the blast right at her. She tried to lift her blade to block but knew she wouldn't make it in time when Gozu's voice rang out from her right side... Gozu flipped the scabbard of his blade in his hand so that it was facing the ground and focused his strength and speed. Quickly he twisted in a circle in place, swung his sword and scabbard in opposite directions that both centered on him compressed the cool natural air of the cavern with the hot air from the explosion and created a tornado ten meters around with himself and Akia caught in the wind current. "Shifting Winds..." He announced as Akia was thrown from her feet to where Gozu had been moments ago and Gozu was in the place Akia had been standing. His scabbard out in a defensive manner to try to block whatever had come at Akia.

If the block was successful Gozu would bring his sword up in a slashing motion to try and catch Jackal and flip the blade in his hand at the height of his swing to twist the sword down and stab at the man in one smooth motion.

All the while Claud watched in the distance, thinking on why Jackal would wait in such an open area. Something's wrong.. either Jackal's protecting something or he's buying time... Where's the Prince!? Damn it did he run out a different tunnel? No if that were the case than one of my men, or one of the marines would have ran into him by now. I doubt the Prince, someone who lived in the lap of luxury is faster than any CP member. It's something else... That slab... does it have to do with what he stole? Is the Prince helping him? Did he plan the King's death? That cheeky bastard.. Claud pondered silently and flexed his fingers, planning to attack the massive slab of a glyph once the dust settled.

Shifting Winds:

Haki used:




"Act VI"

It's the thrill in the end. In that moment when something stolen becomes mine or is it? That's the bliss I desire.

"How much time has passed since Jackal started fighting?" Talibah inquired, his eyes fixed on the dungeon's map, as his stencil scaled across the paper. "About six hours... maybe seven." Nefertiti responded. "Good... I'm almost done. I've narrowed it down to entrances. North and North North East. Hang in there... Jackal." Talibah thought. As stated prior, Jackal entered into a dash towards Akia, however, outside of his realms of calculations, Gozu had suffered no damage from his initial explosion, using what seemed to be gushes of winds to escape the blast by mere inches. Grounding himself, Gozu released a tornado which travelled towards Akai's position, instantly swapping Gozu in her position, and vice versa. Continuing his stride, Jackal saw that Gozu was now standing in Akia's place, and about six meters away, Jackal's feet planted downward, setting off a second explosion. Tanking the damage, Gozu allowed the charge to rattle against his body, ripping away his government issued clothing, leaving the man only with his joggers, remaining as the explosion rattled along his rib cage, breaking several bones and leaving third degree bruises around the man's body. However, it's what happened after the charge that caught Jackal off guard, moving through the debris field, Gozu entered into a downward thrust which spun into into a stabbing force, which shot Jackal into the ground with immense momentum. Mounting the man in the next action, Gozu twisted the blade into the Mink's shoulder blade, cutting off his movement. "ARGH!" Jackal shouted, as the pain of the man's blade ripping through tendons and muscles in his shoulder rattled through the chamber. "Shishishi..." Jackal stated, breathing heavily, trying to compensate for the blade wedged into his right shoulder. "I can't seem to feel my right arm at the moment. However, at this range-" Jackal stated grinning.

Disbursing a field of electricity around him, Jackal funnelled the electricity emitted from his body through Gozu's blade, which then expanded outward growing into a dome which encapsulated everything in a fifteen meter radius. If the electrical dome had reached it's full size, Gozu's routes for evasion would've been grim, as the force of the shock would've been enough to paralyse the high ranking marine official. However, whether this would've been successful was all dependent on Gozu's time of response, and if he'd continue to keep the Mink pinned down and suffer the consequences. Coating his hands in Bushoshoku Haki, Jackal intercepted the next move, maintaining his dome's size, so it could've caught Akia in it's surging path, which would've either ended in her suffering similar or worst wounds to Gozu. Everything Jackal did was in a plea to bide time, and as these tactical exchanges felt like minutes, actual hours had passed and Gozu's Army still awaited his call to charge into combat.

Meanwhile, on route to the co-ordinates on the map provided by Talibah, a quick three ticks in succession ceased the Gigantic Crabs movement. Taking a deep breath to assess the quality of the air, Amalia checked for the deserts wind currents and marked nearby landscapes as evidence that they we're indeed in the correct location. Though, to Bazil and his men, the only thing in sight would be a canyon and a rock formation to the South. Hopping up from her seated position, the woman would've nudged Bazil a few times but to no avail, the man was out like a light. Stooping down, the woman would've whispered, "Wake up Bazil. It's time to get to work.", increasing the volume of her speaking voice near the end of her sentence to startle the man awake. Before Bazil could've put up any domestic or sexual assault, the woman jumped backwards, scaling the side of the Crab's leg to make onto the desert floor below. After assessing the air once more, testing his feet along the sand, Amalia dug her shoes into the send until she'd find a body of what felt to be bed rock beneath her feet, five feet to the right of her parked Crab's position. "About thirty meters below of my position, that's where the chamber Jackal's in, which is buried beneath this thick-ass bedrock." Amalia inquired. "Take your best shot.... blow this whole area below me is gone." Amalia said, shoving her shotgun into the ground at the marker, and then running the hell out of dodge before Bazil's assault commenced.

Timer: Bazil/Amalia are officially One Round away from Jackal's position.

Haki | Skills:

Words: 732
Doriki: + 5 into Speed & Agility | + 5 into Power & Strength | Pugilist Bonus
Tagged: @NPC @Batman4560 @ai47



Oh Bazil, yes, Bazil, right there...“Bazil!” Amalia’s voice spurring him awake, the pirate sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking down at the woman who was now on the ground, “Hah, what a coincidence I was just dreamin bout’cha, toots” He snarked, rising up and stretching, a large yawn quickly followed. “So this is the place, huh?” Bazil asked rhetorically, jumping down onto the sandy ground, scanning the area for any signs of life. “Below?” he said looking down at the tiny grains of sand blowing in the wind.

Outstretching both arms so they angled towards the shotgun several meters away, the Red Devil closed his eyes and clenched his fists, simultaneously morphing his arms into weapons, the left into giant bazooka and the right a giant cannon. “Better stand back babe, wouldn’t wanna ruin that figure.” Bazil said, smiling at the woman before using every ounce of his primary power to break through the sand and bedrock, rapidly firing off six shots in total, using the cannon ball ‘s force to crack the sheet rock while the explosions from the rpg’s dispersed the sand and rubble, clearing the way for the next shot. After the sixth impact, shattered and cracked, the ground beneath the pirates feet collapsed, dropping the Red Devil twenty meters into the catacombs, landing on the fifteen meter tall mountain of rubble that had formed from his entry.

Rubble mountain existed only a mere meters away from the location of Jackal and Gozu’s fight, it was nothing short of miracle neither one of them ended up being crushed by the entrance. Seconds after the ceiling crashed down, a purple and red blur touched down on the debris and quickly spun on one foot like a top, whipping the already blurred colors around, ending after one rotation. “The king has arrived!” Bazil announced arrogantly, his arms crossing over his chest, hands positioned for rockin, “Bazil mutha fuckin Styx is here to save the day!” He yelled, laughing maliciously, echoing throughout the underground caverns






Gozu found himself breathing hard, bones had been broken already yet he barely knew it, the drive to bring in a possible killer, for sure thief had pushed pain from his senses. His deep eyes glared down at Jackal while blood started to seep through various wounds on Gozu's body. In his mind, he had one. With his blade stabbed firmly into Jackal's body Gozu flipped the scabbard of his weapon around to hold it like a club and raised it up, thinking to knock the man out with the scabbard before he could counter. What he didn't account for was what came next... "Jackal, you are under arrest by order of the World Government. You ha- AHHHHHH!" Gozu started to scream as electricity surged up Gozu's sword and started to shock the man. At the same time Akia took a half step forward but saw Gozu wasn't looking at Jackal but at her, as if telling her to stay away. She hesitated, realized that her being there was a terrible mistake and started to turn to retreat.

With his body locking up in place Gozu had to make a choice. Just enough to survive... He thought as Armament Haki coated his sword, sword arm and his arm that held his scabbard. At the same time a bigger field of electricity exploded out from around Jackal. "Justice does not require the death of all.." Gozu groaned through gritted teeth as he accepted that he might not make it out of the fight. Using every bit of will power he had, Gozu released the blade that had Jackal pinned to the floor and spun around at a sharp angle like a top on a tilt. At the height of his spin when the scabbard of his blade was coming down he released the protective carrying case and slammed it into Akia's face, knocking her so hard in the head that she bounced off the wall and slumped to the floor, next to her, on the right was the entrance she had come through. Gozu returned to the sword and was about to grip it, but found his body had been paralyzed by the electricity that rushed through the man, keeping him locked in place.

"Marines! Open fire!" Akia shouted with a pained tone in her voice while electrical charges hit her like a brick house, shuddering through her. One marine willingly popped into the field and gripped Akia only to be stuck to her due to the paralyzing current he willingly entered another gripped the man by the boot and pulled him and Akia into the hall while five other marines blindly fired rifles into the cavern to try and hit whatever was in the dust filled room. Gozu caught a bullet in his left shoulder but couldn't even grumble in pain.

In the hall still, Claud's face twisted into a look of annoyance. "Nope... Not gonna bother with this one when I can kill Gozu and Jackal in one shot without anyone knowing I was even here." Claud muttered and turned to leave. As he started to walk down the tunnel he glanced to his second in command. "Blow the tunnels, this one last. Nothing gets in or out ever again." Claud ordered. "Right away sir." His second in command spoke in the same hushed tone while pushing the shell of his den den. "Blow em." He issued the command and at the same time the tunnels started to rumble and cave in on themselves, the center of the cavern exploded as Bazil, the Killer of Kings, fell into the cavern with a grand entrance to make the save, and keep the fight going.

Howling Will:

Haki used:




"Act VI"

It's the thrill in the end. In that moment when something stolen becomes mine or is it? That's the bliss I desire.

Trembling feverishly, a pool of Jackal's blood filled the soil below his position pinned to the ground by the force of Gozu's blade. Gritting his teeth, the Mink fought hard, pumping several volts of electricity through the Marine's body in attempts to loosen his grip on the blade that was now wedged into the insides of his shoulder, with every spin of the blade, Jackal's body winced in pain. Finally, just before the electrical dome reached it's max capacity of size, Gozu removed his grip on the blade inside the Mink's shoulder. Using his functional left arm, Jackal clutched claws into the core of the wound, cancelling his electrical dome once the damage had been done to Gozu and Akia, using the heat from the electricity to close his wounds shut abruptly. It didn't negate the damage done but at least, it'd stop the bleeding, and it'd cause Jackal to shake in pain, fading in and out of consciousness. Pacing his now burdened breathing patterns, Jackal had finally realised the whole point of Gozu's odd pause, it was an attempt to save Akia from Jackal's electrical field. In one quick motion, Jackal coated his left arm in Busoshoku Haki, using this moment to pull the blade gingerly out from his shoulder, dropping it onto the floor, resealing the wound once again with his electrical currents. Jackal could've still feel some life in his right arm but it was immensely limp for the most part, any form of movement would've been impossible. Combined with the fact that the Bandit King had lost at this point at least a pint and half worth of blood, the bruises all over Gozu's body was testament that this exchange had taken a toll on both men. Lifting himself to a sitting position, Jackal pushed Gozu about three feet away from himself, using his two dog like appendages as the catalysis for a jump kick. "That's it for my shoulder." Jackal thought. "Your one tough bastard Gozu. I respect your justice." Jackal stated.

Shortly after his electrical field subsided, towards the debris from his last set of explosions, the marines in the hallway ten meters away now, began to open rifle fire towards the debris field. Grabbing the limp Gozu off the ground, Jackal hoisted the man up with his functional left hand as a human shield, most of the shots missing their mark but one bullet made impact into Gozu's shoulder. As the first round of gunfire ceased, Jackal tossed Gozu's body back onto the ground, still paralysed from the electricity, "Now we're even." Jackal stated. Digging into his pockets, Jackal tossed the tome, which was indeed Pluton's Key towards the waist of Gozu, "I'm a man of my word." Jackal said smirking widely. As the second set of gunfire commenced, Jackal's men changed their positions from the top of the Poneglyph, all eight rifle bearers laid on their bellies hoisted forty feet into the air and open fired towards the marines who'd been shooting into the debris field. Two shots managed to prick into the marines throats, causing the platoon of men to look around dazed momentarily as to where the return fire was coming from. "It's the large stone! They're on top of it!" one of the marines shouted. Just then, several explosive charges went off from all directions within the chamber. Of the eight entrances into the room, the explosion blocked off all pathways with about thirty feet of thick giant stone slab rubble, cutting out all forms of escape to the room. It'd be at this moment that several hundred auras would flood the room from the North Section of the Chamber, each of these men weapons of various kinds, some even possessed bazookas, cannon launchers, maces, axes and even scimitars.

Akia and the marine army were blown backwards down the hallway, trapped behind the debris created from the explosion. Several men and women were injured and maimed by this initial blast, but the frantic Akia was more concerned about the safety of her superior who was now locked in the room injured with a famed pirate, unknowing of the Cipher Pol's presence in this all. The Cipher Pol had literally created the perfect situation, they'd trapped Jackal and the Prince in the Chamber, sealed off all entrances and thanks to Gozu, Jackal was majorly injured. However, as the Red Head Mohawk Man's voice filled the chamber, pillars of the former bedrock ceiling collapsed mere feet away from Gozu and Jackal's position. Jackal had recognised that aura anywhere, and Amalia had came through on her promise. As Bazil announced his presence to the room, Jackal couldn't have helped grinned at his crazy friend's entrance. "You bastard!" Jackal shouted playfully. "You sure know how to make an entrance!" Jackal exclaimed, continuing with his banter. Within moments, an army of a hundred plus men surrounded the debris hill that Bazil stood upon, formed a perimeter around Jackal and Gozu, and began the process of scaling the Poneglyph. "Perfect.... Perfect... All of the players have arrived. Bazil Styx.... Warhead.... Helios Jackal... Bandit King... Gozu... The Sleeping Beast... And I, Claud of the Cipher Pol Two." Claud said, emerging from the behind the Poneglyph, approaching from the North, making his presence known to the whole room. Within moments, Claud's operative retrieve Pluton's Key from the floor, securing it inside of a metallic portable safe. "Objective One. Pluton's Key retrieved." Claud stated.

Within moments, the Cipher Pol agents had climbed the Poneglyph subduing Prince Talibah and his wife, and murdering the remnants of the Jackal Bandits who'd managed to kill a few with rifle fire but resistance was indeed futile. "Objective Two. Prince Talibah Acquired." Claud rattled on. "Ah Gozu... I've always hated the marines way of trying to capture the bad guys with honour! Pride! Justice! Bullshit." Claud shouted in anger. "Evil should be rooted out by evil. That's how the world works." Claud explained. Removing his pistol from it's holster, Claud pointed the mouth of the barrel at Jackal. "Objective Three... Terminate The Scum." Claud declared. "Oh?" Jackal stated grinning. "Your going to 'terminate' me, Lesser Mink?" Jackal inquired. Running through the crowd, jolting towards Jackal's position, Amalia came charging, snatching a rifle from one of the Cipher Pol agents, and barging through the crowd. Jumping in front of Jackal, the woman pointed the rifle towards the man's forehead. "Drop the weapon!" Amalia ordered. In one stealth motion, Claude readjusted his aim and empty the pistol's contents into Amalia's body. Jackal was frozen in astonishment, at how quick the incident played out. As Amalia's body touched hit the floor, Jackal scurried over to the woman, one hand in tact, clutching the woman close to his ribcage. "AMALIA!" Jackal shouted. Panting slowly, "I guess... I bit off a bit more than I should've this time, Jack." Amalia said, slowly barely gasping for breath. "YOU IDIOT! I had this all under control! You didn't have to... Why would you throw away your life!? After how I treated you... How I've used you... After all of this... You we're just a piece on my chessboard! I was suppose to leave you on Sandy Isle... You were suppose to forget about me... Why!? Why Amalia!? What do you gain for throwing away your life so recklessly!? I could've taken that bullet." Jackal shouted selfishly.

"Tch. That's your problem Jackal. You think everyone and everything just dances to the rhythm of your plans. Life doesn't work like that. I'm happy... My last view is seeing the Mink- No- The man I grew to love crying over me... I've seen so many things... in my time... as a charterer... but I've never met souls like you two before. Jackal. Gilbard. Sinbad. I would've liked to have seen the world with ya'll..." Amalia stated smiling broadly. Coughing up blood, Jackal clutched the woman tighter, "Oi! Hold on! I'll get us out of this! Gilbard will patch you up. Just be strong!" Jackal shouted. "Everyone has to die one day silly Jackal. Promise me. You won't hate humans or be afraid of us anymore. We're just afraid of you... as you are of us-" Amalia's words were cut short by the sound of the last bullet in Claud's pistol penetrating the woman's chest-cage. Jackal's eyes widened in astonishment not at the woman's death but the cruelty exhibited by Claud. The woman's blood would splatter into Jackal's face, and onto the Cipher Pol Head's clothes, licking her blood off his hand, and smearing his face with the remnant droplets, the man covered his face in a makeshift bloody face-mask. "She should've just hurried up and died. I hate last will talks. If your gonna die... Die already." Claud stated, smiling menacingly.

Haki | Skills:

Words: 1460
Doriki: + 5 into Speed & Agility | + 5 into Power & Strength | Pugilist Bonus
Tagged: @NPC @Batman4560 @ai47



Bazil watched as the scene seemed to play out in slow motion, in a matter of seconds Amalia had needless sacrificed her life for Jackal’s. Her life draining out of her as quickly as the blood rushed onto the floor, Jackal wailing in sadness, “Yo….” Bazil called out to Claude, his voice was monotone, and his eyes shot out like daggers at Cipher Pol agent, “I was gonna fuck her!” The pirate yelled, releasing his bloodlust and rage across the room in the form of purplish wave that forced anyone below Secondary willpower within fifty meters to their knees, knocking them unconscious. Slowly, Bazil began to scale down the fifteen meter rubble mountain, turning his right arm into a minigun, releasing a hailstorm of bullets onto the unconscious marine army. The bullets ripping through their bodies, unable to react or defend, they could nothing but die a horrible death.

Safely watching through the hole in the ceiling, Yasuke and Ezekiel looked on as their captain began mercilessly slaughtering the unconscious marines. Without thinking, the samurai jumped down the rabbit hole and ended up in the catacombs on top the debris from Bazil’s earlier entry. As the red haired pirate approached Gozu’s paralyzed and unconscious body he took aim at the man’s back, beginning to rotate his guns barrel when suddenly a voice called out from behind him. “Young lord!” Yasuke shouted, “Do the honorable thing, let him live! Would you really shoot an unconscious man in the back?!” The samurai pleaded with his captain and lord, begging him to rethink his decision.

Never once acknowledging the samurai’s presence, Bazil fired into the sleeping beast’s back, giving the once righteous and proud marine captain an undeserving death. Blood jumped out of the wounds as the three inch long metal jackets ripped into his body, making swiss cheese out of the man.

Another voice called out the pirate, this time from the surface, “Thou lord ist pleased!” Ezekiel shouted, saying good job in his own special way, drawing dagger like eyes from Yasuke, as he was trying his best to encourage the young lord to be a better person, much to no avail. His gaze having never once left Claude’s figure, the Red Devil approached him so they were only a few meters apart.

Bazil tilted his neck to either side, releasing a cracking noise from each movement, “I was gonna absolutely wreck that chick’s puss after this, you little fuck, now what the fuck am I supposed to do tonight.” He barked out, clearly pissed off at the Cipher agent.

Last edited by ai47 on Sun Apr 08, 2018 5:59 am; edited 1 time in total






Within moments Gozu not only defeated but laying near lifeless due to Bazil's haki. There was so much going on that Gozu couldn't even manage to speak in time to protest anyone's actions. But he rested happily, knowing that most of his marines were going to get away from the fight before it was too late. Akia... my dying will is that you will lead the marines the way I did, go beyond my fame and respect. Do what I could not and know that not all pirates are terrible. Don't let this day ruin your kind heart. Grow strong, never stop caring... Gozu never finished his thoughts as a series of bullets ripped through his back, killing him almost instantly, yet even in death a lazy smile seemed to creep its way onto his face.

Stunned, dazed, and hurt Akia clutched the scabbard of Gozu's sword as she was dragged out of the catacomb. As the dark haired woman started to come too a large set of explosions rocked the halls, causing part of them to fall in on the marines. Akia closed her eyes and prepared herself for the worst but it never came... Slowly she opened her eyes while wincing but a wave of relief washed over the young woman when she saw five marines standing over her, arms supporting one another while they caught loose stones that would have buried any of them alone, with their backs. "Akia, Gozu trusted you to lead in his place! You have to get out!" One of the men shouted and as if a fire had been lit in her belly she crawled out from under the men and swiped her blade across the rocks on their backs, turning them to dust a moment later. "Marines, this is a mission failure and Gozu is likely dead. We need to retreat and call for back up! Move out!" She ordered the men. "Yes Ma'am!" Each marine said in unison and together the group made their ways back for their camels.

Claud's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he tasted Jackal's dead friend's blood, it was so sweet and delicious plus the fact that most of his men were already moving out to report that the prince was dead delighted Claud to no end. All he had to do now was deal with Jackal and if he could manage it, Bazil. But Claud wasn't a fool, he knew that he would have to be on his best guard in order to deal with both of them. But all Claud really wanted to do was leave Jackal with a mortal wound, and the good for nothing Gozu had already given Claud the perfect target.

But there was Bazil's annoying voice again, asking Claud what the pirate was supposed to do. "You're asking me? I don't care. The body's still warm. I'm sure you can do something with it. Now why don't you listen to your swordsman friend and back off. Let the adults play... you see I've wronged Jackal and honestly, I sort of like you Bazil. I don't want to have to fight the both of you if I don't have to." Claud grumbled while he aimed his index finger at Jackal. He pulled his finger into a flicking fashion against his thumb and aimed right at Jackal's injured shoulder, closer to his chest. All he had to do was remove the Mink's arm. Thinking better of his initial thought, Claud put his arm down and focused the power in his legs and sprang up and forward towards Jackal, quickly closing the small gap between them. "Rankyaku!" He shouted as he kicked his leg out towards Jackal and the dead woman he cradled, twisting through the air he aimed a second attack of the same name at Bazil to keep the man on the defensive. As Claud landed in a crouch he rolled forward at Jackal, determined to not let the Mink survive. "JACKAL! YOUR LIFE IS OVER!!! Claud shouted at the Mink, and pulled a hand back as he closed in on the Mink and pushed a single finger forward. If he could get in range he would try to push his finger through Jackal's shoulder with Shigan!




"Act VI"

It's the thrill in the end. In that moment when something stolen becomes mine or is it? That's the bliss I desire.

As Amalia's blood filled Jackal's black polka dotted scarf, memories of their first interactions on Sandy flooded his mind. Jackal rejected passing out from Bazil's Will by stabbing himself in his right knee with his sharp nails, without enough force to keep him conscious. The very thing he'd feared the whole time had finally came into fruition, as her limp motionless body lay bleeding out, staining the terra beneath the two. The moment Claud directed his hand towards Jackal's direction, he'd already felt the bloodlust dripping from the Cipher Pol Agent, knowing that another impending attack was on it's way. The moment that Claud sprung into action, Jackal's Sixth Sense had picked up on the pace and stride of the government lacky's progression. It'd take him at least several strides to make it to Jackal's position but Claud wasn't moving at any snail like pace, actually within moments he'd be upon the Mink. Licking the cheek of the deceased woman in one last goodbye gesture, Jackal placed Amalia's body onto the floor and as Claud's Wind Blade dashed towards Bazil's direction, that'd be when Jackal looked to make his counter attack. Though, both attacks were closely paced behind each other, as Claud moved into range, his arched finger lined up directly at an angle towards Jackal's injured shoulder. Coating his injured right shoulder in Busoshoku Haki, Jackal intercepted the man's attack on the surface level of his skin, as his finger barely managed to penetrate the man's Secondary strong texture. Focusing his Electro around the point of contact, Jackal extended an Electrical dome at a much smaller level around Claud's right finger, trailing onto his hand which was attempting to spear through the man's shoulder. Once the dome had expanded around the length of the man's arm, the force of the electrical charge would've been enough to disable the man's right arm, leaving it now limped. With no planned action with the man's now crippled arm, Jackal and Claud now stared each other, eye to eye. "Bazil! If you can hear me... This... Lesser Mink is mine. I'll end this." Jackal stated. "Oh?" Claud responded. "You think because of this arm of mine you have an advantage?" Claud inquired. "Shut up. Who said you had the right to talk?" Jackal said, staring at the man emotionlessly. Coating his entire right and left arm in an iron coat of Obsidian Haki, small pulses of electricity trickled through the man's arms.

"There's been something... I've been wanting to... try for awhile now. I'm not much of a fighter... honestly... I wanted to escape this place without wasting this much energy. But if I leave here without sending a message to the Government... I'd do Amalia a great injustice. You killed one of my crewmates. Don't expect me to hold back any more." Jackal stated. "Black Vari." Jackal thought, referring to the black lightning that now pulsated around specifically the man's arms. Waking up from the effects of the Haoshoku Haki, Talibah awoke to the gore that was the countless bullet ridden bodies of the Cipher Pol Agents. Searching frantically for his wife, he'd found her in a pile of bodies, simply unconscious. Sighing a breath of relief, Talibah rose to his feet, strapping the woman over his shoulder. Unfortunately, the men Jackal had placed to guard Talibah were all executed from the Cipher Pol Agents, as assassination was their specialty. Talibah now beheld the sight before him, it was Bazil, Jackal and the unknown assailant that was Claud locked into intense combat. Seeing the man who'd murdered his father right before his eyes, Talibah reached for his cane and began to march towards Bazil's position. "BAZIL!" Talibah shouted. "Murderer of the King... and my brothers! I shall avenge them here today!" Talibah shouted, spinning the crook in his hand with immense finesse.

Haki | Skills:

Words: 1460
Doriki: + 5 into Speed & Agility | + 5 into Power & Strength | Pugilist Bonus
Tagged: @NPC @Batman4560 @ai47



The Cipher Pol agent made a smart ass remark about letting the adults play, “Right, cause that kids a fuckin adult.” Bazil snapped back, his thumb pointing over his shoulder towards the smaller mink. Claude raised his hand up, looking passed the red hair pirate, though before he could react the marine dog sprung over towards Jackal, closing the gap in seconds. Firing a wind blade from the force of his leg, rotating in midair, the agent fired a haphazardly aimed attack at Bazil, the attack let him know this was not his fight as it landed mere inches away from the young man. “You stupid fu-..” The Red Devil started, aiming his gun at Claude, being interrupted by the mink whose shoulder was now covered in a black armor, halting the deadly finger of the Cipher, after which the agent’s arm dropped to his side, lifeless. I’ll end this.. The words that stopped the mohawk pirate in his tracks, lowering his gun, his arm returned to human form, “I’ll back down this time, ya little bastard.” He laughed ominously, respecting the mink’s wishes, “Just be sure to put on a good show.”

As Bazil looked on the ensuing fight, he heard a voice shouting from behind him, specifically it called out his name. Glancing over his shoulder, the pirate looked at the would be avenger, a golden crook in his right hand and woman slung over his left shoulder, “Who the fuck are you supposed to be?” His eyes like daggers, “The good shepherd and his wife?” Bazil quipped, mocking the weapon his supposed assailant was wielding. “Did you lose your flock or something? Fucks like you should be careful, the night is dark and full of terrors.”

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