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1(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty (Gran Voyage) Death Island Tue Oct 02, 2018 10:48 am



Voyage Approval:

Act 1

The first one would notice, the heat. The air was thick with an pulsating thick heat that covered the entire area with it. It didn't bother Madori one bit. The heat would have caused most others to be uncomfortable. Actually being next to a dormant volcano can cause some people to feel more nervous than usual. But Madori felt nothing but pure exhilaration, there was so much to do and so little time. But first things first, he had to get in contact with his people. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mini den den. He called all the way back to the ship, a grunt picked up. "Yo. Tell Mashyuu to proceed with the attack on the Marines. I will be initiating the project 'Death Island'." He could hear the grunt surprised that plan was going through.

"Yes sir." He said before Madori hung up. They would have sometime to sabotage the Marine base before he made the volcano active. At the moment he was at other volcano on the island next to the main one. This was where the Revolutionary base was located. Although he could not get the location of the base it did not matter. No living thing would be left on the island to find. All wildlife and people would be killed almost instantly, or worse, forced into the waters where there were limited boats.

Whatever they needed to do, it would be futile. His people already knew the plan, stay on the boat. There was only two people that was supposed to be on the island when this begun. As they would be the only ones to escape the carnage that Madori would wrought. He begun stretching, bending down to get the extra kinks out of his body. I'm ready. Madori squatted down and jumped a few meters into the sky, then he began to kick off the air higher and higher. Heading straight for the mouth of the volcano. The air got thicker and more polluted from the smoke coming from it. Madori was unaffected as he turned into magma itself.

He was skywalking over the mouth now, he was sure he was the only to ever get a view up close and personal to a volcano. He would be the first and last to do so. He took a deep breath, from the limited air that was available. Then he stopped skywalking, he begun to free dive straight into the volcano. He hit the surface, and he was instantly apart of the volcano. He had never felt this much control over his element since he got the Devil Fruit. His reach felt almost infinite.

Madori began to smile as he moved all the magma back forward, stirring the volcano to explode but gently. He needed the entire island to be flooded with his powers. So he concentrated for a few minutes to gather control of all the magma within the volcano which seemed to stretch all throughout the island. This type of power was infallible. Magmadori was born.

+5 Endruance (Pug)
+5 Speed
+4 Strength [Doriki]

2(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:14 pm


Hover over the image below!


Notes: N/A
Current Haki Stamina: 10/10
Plotter Link:(Click the black space)Plot Info
Skills:(Click the black space)Skill Set
WC Requirement: 00,000
Doriki: 25 to Endurance/Durability

"Yo. Tell Mashyuu to proceed with the attack on the Marines. I will be initiating the project 'Death Island'." Madori informed Jarrett, the leader of the group who joined up with the Phantom Raiders after Mashyuu walked through a battle field and attacked a Revolutionary commander while also working to broker a trade so more lives didn't need to be lost. Jarrett, the man who wore a pair of denim overall's and a white shirt ran to Mashyuu and handed the man back a small Den Den. "Sir, Madori is ready to begin the Death Island plan." Mashyuu stood atop the main deck of the Skycleaver, pulling his black jacket on over his shoulders. "Is that right? Well it's about time. SKY! Get this ship away from the island, just far enough that it won't get hit with any lava or magma... Then await the return of the others. There is a small island near here where the rest of the raiders should be located." Mashyuu ordered the female Skypiean with the lame wing who piloted the Skycleaver. "I'm on it boss!" She called out and pulled a lever near the wheel of the ship, causing the ship to intake water through one end of pipes near the front of the ship and push it out the other end to propel the vessel forward. Mashyuu walked towards the woman and handed her a small dial. "It will release a bust of air, if you need to get the ship moving faster aim it at the main sail." Mashyuu instructed Sky while he put on his white eye mask.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Harley asked as she stepped up to the others and glanced at Mashyuu. In turn the man patted Harley on the shoulder and smiled warmly at her. "That's why all the flyers are going. We can get in and out by just going up if things get bad. Besides, its me, I've got you to patch me up and it takes a lot to get me down. I'm a solid wall." Mashyuu assured Harley and jumped down towards the gang plank. With a flick of his wrist he pulled the gangplank up and looked at Perila who would be joining him on this crazy adventure. With spear in hand and whip blade wrapped around his waist, Mashyuu nodded towards the mainland. "Sky, Harley, keep the others safe, Perila lets go." Mashyuu jumped off the ship and landed on the mainland headed closer towards the center of the island to deal with the marines and keep their transports from getting them off the island. "So babe, you miss me while I was gone? Mashyuu asked the beauty while walking side by side with her, clearly not concerned with marines or pirates that might have been near the pair of Phantom Raiders.

©️ Coding done by Hero Yamamoto

3(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:33 pm

Soundless Void


Soundless Void
Percila was fully dressed in her usual outfit gazing upon her blade at a tilted angle causing the light to bend and show her own reflection within the blade as she gazed at herself while the sheath was halfway off the blade, a sudden knock interrupted her self-gazing and she completely sheathed her blade as she let it fall to her right side while holding it as she spoke while turning around to greet the face, "Come in" When the door opened it was Proan who had freshened up using the Phantom Raiders bathroom facilities, his brown hair that had been quite messy since she meant him was now silky and straightened out in which he formed into a loose ponytail as he stood at her door fully dressed with a large bookbag attached to his back, "Let's do this Violet Streak, I heard the people on this ship talking, we're participating in this plan called "Death Island" right?" Percila walked over to Proan and put her left hands on his right shoulder, "I'm going, you're staying on the ship with the others." Proan face gave a slight pout to her answer, "But why? I can help too!" Percila replied, "It's called Death Island for a reason, this plan includes destroying the whole island in a sea of magma, It's not safe for your or the others besides Mashyuu and me who can fly and move fast enough to avoid it while fighting the marines. Trust me, you're a better asset to the plan far away from the island." Although Proan still somewhat disagreed he understood the risk involved with the plan if one wasn't prepared and he gave up trying to argue any further on the matter.

Percila hugged him as her goodbye and went out onto the deck of the ship where Mashyuu was talking with the others in his crew, he was talking to Harley who expressed some worry of the on-going plan until Mashyuu reassured her that he would be fine. Now with no distractions Mashyuu turned to her and asked if she was ready to go, she gave a simple nod as she followed him off the gangplank onto the mainland of the island where they started to move further into the center of the island where Percila and his first tasks were to deal with the Marine's methods of transportation around and off the island. Truth be told Percila wasn't one to go off destroying whole islands, she wasn't an environmentalist or anything of the sort but it just simply wasn't in her nature, however, the circumstances this time were different, the ability of seastone was too dangerous no matter what hands they were in, if she could prevent such a dangerous weapon from existing in the world to increase untold danger by destroying an island then so be it, especially out of the World Governments hands.

"So babe, you miss me while I was gone?" Is what she heard coming from Mashyuu, once again she found herself at a lost for words, as much as she did like him she didn't need him fawning over her, after all, she was a warrior and of all times she needed to be tough at the moment and have her game face on, "Mashyuu know is not the time, we need to focus. What's our plan here? Shall I turn to smoke and pollute the car or just slash the vehicle's apart?"

4(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:31 am



It was euphoric. The amount of power he had within the magma was beyond his wildest dreams. Absolutely no one could stop him in this form. The volcano's underground network was large and extensive. Madori wasn't able to extend his control to the entire islands, but he was able to move the all there was inside the volcano. Deep within the volatile magma, he concentrated as hard as he could. He began to move the magma so that it started to raise higher and higher.

It was raised in an unnatural way, rising past the mouth of the entrance and heading towards the sky. It stopped abruptly as Madori willed the magma to shoot back with a sudden force back towards the bottom. No telling how many tons of molten rock and magma came back down to force that plates blow to move. For added measure Madori made the magma explode. This was more than enough to get the volcano active. Immediately it exploded sending molten rock meteors and magma flying in all directions and almost all ranges.

Madori took advantage of the eruption. Flowing through the magma extremely fast, he was able to find an bubble waiting to explode. Entering himself he forced the magma to shoot himself out. There was a smaller explosion among the many still going. This one was a molten rock soaring into the sky, it flew about fifty meters away. As it started to descend it broke apart and Madori came shooting out of the rock. Finding his groove he started to kick off of the air continuing his ascent through the air. High enough to see the volcano on other island still dormant. Not for long. Madori thought as he skywalked quickly through the air, almost as if he was running.

5(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:39 am


Hover over the image below!


Notes: N/A
Current Haki Stamina: 10/10
Plotter Link:(Click the black space)Plot Info
Skills:(Click the black space)Skill Set
WC Requirement: 00,000
Doriki: 25 to Endurance/Durability

Mashyuu's jaw nearly dropped when Perila told him to focus up on the task at hand. He raised his red gloved hand, his index finger pointing up while his mouth hung open for a moment as if he were going to protest as the pair continued to walk. "First of all, it's always a good time to catch up with the woman who has my heart. I care about you more than anyone else. I haven't seen you in nearly a month and a lot can happen in that amount of time. Then there is some guy hanging out with you, who's that by the way? He seems.... nice." Mashyuu grumbled and folded his arms across his chest, for the first time feeling jealous and threatened by someone who was hanging out with a woman Mashyuu had clear feelings for. "What's he do? Does he have any skills? He's handsome... He's not hitting on you is he?" Mashyuu continued to question Perila before settling down and placing his free hand to his forehead and thinking for a long moment.

"Sorry... I'm used to being a bit of a heart breaker and now that I've actually found someone to hold near and dear to my own heart, that being you, I find myself feeling a little protective and jealous. I'll keep that in check for now but he and I will have to have a long talk when all this is over." Mashyuu muttered and continued to talk about the task at hand. "Plan is simple. I'll crush and destroy anything they used that is made of metal, you on the other hand will have to destroy anything else, or at least scare off any animals they might ride." Mashyuu continued. He sighed once then glanced off to his left and noted a strange looking pirate ship sailing in the distance. It was getting closer to the Skycleaver and his eyes narrowed in annoyance. "But you might have to deal with any escaping Marines on your own while I deal with some pirates.... If you're up to it?"

After a rather long walk the duo set upon what was easily the largest Marine Base Mashyuu had seen on the island and not well hidden at all. While the other bases Mashyuu had seen were masked by forests or nestled into hills and mountains, this one stood proud, a fifty meter radius around it had been stripped of trees and foliage offering no cover for intruders to use when attacking the area. Mashyuu stopped at the edge of the small forest they had walked through and froze in place, scanning the area carefully. Quickly his finger started to point out two guard towers on the corners of the stone base. They had small slits in them to allow for a guns barrel to stick out and a rounded slit above that to allow for aim. "Look, guard posts with good cover. A clear field too and at the left flank of the base looks like place they keep their ground transport units. Hmmm we should maybe try to take one with us so we don't stand out flying away. Can you become a thick rolling fog to get us there without being spotted as two Skypieans?" Mashyuu asked and pointed even further ahead to a gated off area near the left flank of the base. The duo couldn't see above the walls of the gated area as they were roughly ten meters tall but the Captain would have bet money on the fact that transports were stored there.

©️ Coding done by Hero Yamamoto

6(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:28 pm

Soundless Void


Soundless Void
The moment Mashyuu mouth hang open Percila had known she may have spoken with little regard as the conversation that followed was meant with pointing out Percila's and his recent "relationship", starting with that there was always a good time to catch up with her because she had, in fact, captivated his heart, a feat she still had no idea of just how she managed to accomplish it, he pointed out that they had not seen each other in nearly a month and commented on Percila's recent male tag-along Proan, he didn't seem to happy on it but clearly tried to play it off as innocent curiosity.

However, when he began to fold his arms like an angry child his movements betrayed him as he was obviously upset, he began to pressure her on just what he brought to the group as he asked her what was his skillset which quickly jumped to stating that he was handsome which jumped even further as he asked if he was hitting on her. Luckily for her, it seemed to let him talk himself out for a few moments worked as he took a long pause, after some thinking he apologized for pressuring her on the issue as he was used to breaking hearts and now that he loved her his emotions guided him to be overprotective and reactive when it came to her, he decided he will keep himself in check for the moment but after the deed was done he would have a long talk with Proan. She did like that he seemed so worried about her and cared but she couldn't imagine telling him that they meant when she was a prisoner and he was her guard, that was the worst possible thing to do.

Now back to the matter at hand Mashyuu gave a small recap of the plan explaining that he would destroy anything that was metal while she was to destroy or scare off anything that could be used as a method of transportation off the island, upon looking away Mashyuu apparently saw something as he made sure to include that she might have to deal with any escaping marine's while he dealt with pirates. After some time of walking towards the center of the island they finally stumbled upon a large marine base as they stopped right at the exit of the forest they were in, however, it was completely unhidden from sight as the previous ones she had been too since arriving onto the island, a rather large strip of land about fifty meters all around had been stripped clean of any cover, Percila could only conclude that the set up the base was in fact meant so that the chance of a surprise attack would be less than an impossible task, a point further made by the fact that on top of the front corners of the stone base their lied two guard towers that had small slits that lead to a rounder one, most likely this was for the purpose of firing upon any targets who dared to attempt to invade the structure.  

"Look, guard posts with good cover. A clear field too and at the left flank of the base looks like the place they keep their ground transport units. Hmmm, we should maybe try to take one with us so we don't stand out flying away. Can you become a thick rolling fog to get us there without being spotted as two Skypieans?" Percila gave a simple nod, she went behind Mashyuu and gave him a hug, "I'm sorry about what I said, I'm just a little on edge with this task, anyway let's get to it." Percila took a deep breath before her body started to start slowly drifting around her in a thick but airy smoke, slowly but surely she disappeared and the fog started to surround Mashyuu until she was completely in her smoke form surrounding him in a thick layer, she then started to lift in the air assuming Mashyuu would follow her and made her way towards the stone marine base, she decided to go towards the left flank of the base like he had originally pointed to right before she lifted off the ground.

As Percila slowly flew overflew to the base she whispers to Mashyuu, "I'm taking us to in between the vehicle's, I'll keep the dense fog up while you disable them. If anyone comes too close I can choke them out silently while their inside and nobody from the outside will be able to see it until we're gone." Percila kept moving and she quickly spotted the vehicle's, the marine's seemed to be gathered at the center of the camp while two marine officers seemed to be inspecting the row of eight rows of the man with about seven in each row. so she slowly moved towards the vechile so If any saw her it would look like natural smoke and not unusual, now it was up to Mashyuu to handle the rest.

7(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:43 am



Madori was strangely excited and at peace. For someone who was going to be directly responsible for thousands of lives being burned alive in one of the most horrendus crimes of the century. The infamous buster call was not used to for nefarious purposes, whomever ordered it, the perpetrator basically deserved it. However this was not the case for citizens of Jordsand. The magma man had made a decision to protect himself from the dangers the island offered him. Even a casual fool could kill him with seastone.

He had enough enemies without the scrubs being able to put up a fight against him. The people would die out of spite. Madori turned around in mid-air as he skywalked to the other volcano on the main island. Backpedaling in mid-air he witnessed the volcano much more vicious and aggressive than a regular eruption. Poisonous ash smoke shot into the air and it also send a blast of it towards the ground, racing much faster than the lava pouring out of the mouth.

The ash would be the one to kill people, the magma was next to destroy whatever buildings they had. There was no end to the magma that was summoned from the depths by Madori. He turned back around with a smile on his face. Now focused on a bigger volcano on the mainland, he was sure that this volcano could threatened to destroy the world if he forced it too. But there would be no point to killing all of his crewmates and their ambitions.

It took a little over thirty minutes of skywalking before Magmadori got close to the volcano. He reached the top of the volcano and landed on there. He sat down to rest for a few minutes catching his breath for the journey. Wasn't easy to keep jumping in the air for an extended period like that. But he regained his breath and stood over the mouth. It indeed was much larger than the other volcano.

Spewing toxic ash from the magma, Madori was unfazed by the heat once again. He took a glance out at the rest of the mainland. To hell with this place. He thought to himself before his body began to glow and transform into magma itself. He turned his attention back to the volcano. There was much more magma than the other volcano so this would take much more effort. He took a deep breath of the heated air. Upon exhaling he free fell from the mouth straight into the volcano.

8(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:37 pm


Hover over the image below!


Observation Haki: 9/10
Armament Haki: 10/10
Plotter Link:(Click the black space)Plot Info
Skills:(Click the black space)Skill Set
WC Requirement: 00,000
Doriki: 25 to Endurance/Durability

The moment Percila wrapped her arms around Mashyuu and gave him an intimate and long hug, Mashyuu's face flushed a deep red with a blush and his body went weak for a moment. The masked man's body felt like it would collapse until she finally let him go and the man shuddered, his wings flapped twice in the process. "Hey.. Before we do this. You're stronger than you were when we met. You can handle yourself so have some faith. Or just believe in the me, that believes in you." He quickly gave Pericila a quick kiss on the cheek and waited for his fellow Skypiean to become a thick fog. At the same time Mashyuu blinked his eyes and focused on the area around him, As he opened his eyes they flashed a dull red and his Observation Mantra was activated.

The moment he was surrounded and she started to float forward, Mashyuu moved with her and trusted her to stop when they got to the wall. Mashyuu followed along the wall and moved with Percila through the vehicles and stopped as the fog did. Mashyuu took a deep breath of air, and a bit of fog... Mashyuu's body started to spark with power, silver bits flung off him, hidden by the fog Percila created. "Attract...." Mashyuu whispered while standing between four strange and long vehicles. Using one hand to keep the vehicles in place, his other pulled in on himself and yanked nuts, bolts and washers off of vehicles, felt them press against the steel of the vehicles that the engines were sitting in and released his magnetic hold on them letting them drop under the frame of the vehicles and into the grassy dirt silently. Mashyuu drew a deep breath then lifted his hands, the hoods of the vehicles all lifted up, then with a small push down with his hands, the motors to the trucks lifted and floated away from Mashyuu's left and right and were slowly set down on the ground as well. A series of small hisses came from the trucks as wires were ripped as well as tubed holding liquids.

"Alright, I'm leaving, make your way back to the ship if you can but don't change your form until you're clear of the area. I'll see you soon." Mashyuu whispered then started to run, back the way he came into the garage like gate from. As he broke through the fog and past the gate he changed his attraction to a repel and took off with his wings, bursting off the ground and into the woods, then hung around and started to head towards the pirate ship he saw landing near the Skycleaver!

©️ Coding done by Hero Yamamoto

Skills Used:

9(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Sat Oct 06, 2018 11:38 pm

Soundless Void


Soundless Void
Percila despite not being in a solid form at the moment was pleased to hear Mashyuu acknowledge her getting stronger, when they spared during their efforts to unlock Mantra and Haki she felt like she had made no progress, but that simply wasn't the case, Mashyuu was just overly strong and she needed to keep working to get to her level. As she kept watch she did end up keeping tight to his words of having faith in herself, she, after all, was the women aiming to be the worlds strongest skypian swordsmen.

However, at the moment Percila as a smoke cloud watched Mashyuu take care of the vehicles for the marines, with simple hand gestures bolts, nuts, and another item's started to float off of the vehicle and letting them drop under the frame of the vehicles and into the grassy dirt silently, he then proceeded in lifting the hoods of the vehicles and began pushing them down with his hands that caused the motors to lift and float away landing to his left and right onto the ground just as silently as everything else had, the vehicles had only made a few hissing sounds but without and definitive noise there cover had managed to be maintained.

"Alright, I'm leaving, make your way back to the ship if you can but don't change your form until you're clear of the area. I'll see you soon." With those words, Mashyuu suddenly used his ability as he basically rocketed through the sky disappearing without any marine's noticing doing to his high-speed movement, Percila started to suddenly hear walking and supposed the marine's we're now moving about once more, she went from her thick smoke to a more airy smoke and started heading towards Mashyuu way, It wasn't that she was particularly worried about him, he could handle himself. No, it was more like Percila knew he was about to engage an enemy, and she wanted to test her new skills and she always wanted to improve herself, keeping her airy form she flew through the air at top speed catching up to Mashyuu quick, "You're not leaving me behind, we're in this together."

From there Percila and Mashyuu started to fly to the pirate ship headed towards the Phantom Raider's ship, their ship. She could see why he wanted to get the marine's vehicle's sabotage over with, her eyesight was just good enough to allow her to spot quite a few bodies moving, if she had to estimate how many men were onboard she could say about fifteen maybe twenty-two, but it was hard from the air with her only slightly enchanted eyesight. Using Mantra to know just how many would possibly work, but since Mashyuu was beside her she felt confident to attack them no matter how many they may have on their ship. She looked over to him, "I'll go first, nothing like a women's swordsmen with wings to attract their attention."

Just as she said Percila made the first move, she used her wings to keep herself mid-air while lowering herself down towards the ship, when she was just ten meters above the sails of the ship she suddenly tucked her wings behind her back causing her to free fall, as she did so she pulled out her katana and on her way down she used the tip to cut into the mainsail causing a long tear to form, this was to stop the ship from catching anymore major air to get closer to the Phantom Raider ship.

Percila landed on the deck of their ship, already surrounded by eleven men and with more still gathering behind one another, there was a silence hanging in the air for a few moments before the distinct sound of boots was heard walking towards them making Perila curl and eyebrow at the sound of it, she was soon meant with a man with golden blond hair that had a tinge of red in it that was just almost to the end of his neck in length, his clothing consisting of clothing similar to black and white armor while on his shoulders a large blue scarf kept attached by two symbols on his chest.

Captain Togoro:

From his right side, a gun had been holstered but only for a few mere seconds as he asked a rather simple question plainly while pointing it at her, "First you invade my ship and then completely tear up my mainsail, you better talk quickly because being "a girl" has it's limitations."

10(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:44 pm



As he had done before. His body became magma and he fell some thirty meters. It felt like more than that, but he had to concentrate. This was much bigger than he had anticipated. This was his first time having such a wide command of his element. It was nonexistent with his current understanding of his Devil Fruit. However he was given almost an uncanny amount of magma without him having to exude it himself.

The playing field would have extended significantly. Madori angled his fall so that he pointed into a downwards dive. Facing the impact himself. There was a slight explosion as Madori became one with the magma in the volcano. He was immediately taken aback by the vast amount of magma just within the confines of the volcano.

Sojima spread his influence as far as he could, reaching all the way to the bottom of the volcano. However he began to find routes or passageways filled with magma deep underground. But that task became to great when he tried to move the entire weight of magma. It felt as if he was picking himself up after a long and arduous battle.

That didn't work. The first one didn't give me this much strife. Madori waited for a few minutes before ceasing all movement. The lava boiled on at extreme heats, and got a stronger hold on the magma this time. Becoming the magma now becoming an extension of his body. Yet again the power he wielded was at its most potent. A rare opportunity, to destroy all of his enemies in a single swoop. In a single day. The world would remember him. And fear him. Then he flexed his powers, and he reached further and further into the ground.

He tried to rise, and this time he was successful. Albeit it was a very slow rise upwards. He was doing all he could to pull everything that he could along with him. Madori's focus magnified as he willed the lava through him.

Now that's more like it.

11(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:25 am


Hover over the image below!


Observation Haki: 10/10
Armament Haki: 7/10
Plotter Link:(Click the black space)Plot Info
Skills:(Click the black space)Skill Set
WC Requirement: 00,000
Doriki: 25 to Endurance/Durability

Before he knew it, Percila had caught up with Mashyuu and said something about sticking together and all that was well and good but she decided to move in on a ship without thinking before hand. She burst out of the forest before they could come up with a plan of attack, deciding to simply rush the vessel instead of being smart about things. "Percila wait!..... son of a bitch it's like working with Yuurei and Dai all over again. Why don't these guys ever stop to think about what they are doing? I could have..." Mashyuu went silent when he felt a killing intent coming in from above him.

Swiftly Mashyuu folded his left wing in on his body and let his entire form shift and fall aside as a figure darted down past him and landed on the grassy earth below then dart away into the darkness of the forest. "... I know that power... STEIN! COME OUT!" Mashyuu shouted as he landed on the grass and produced his spear, twisting and extending the weapon to its full length. Stein had never been a woman Mashyuu took lightly and she constantly got better every time they battled. The last time they met, Mashyuu and she were on near equal footing but her second in command was too foolish and it gave Mashyuu a much needed edge.

Stein stepped out of the woods, both swords in her slender hands while she glared at Mashyuu. "The first time we fought was in a forest too. It's a shame really.. You're going to die in here." She mused while flipping her swords around and letting haki wash over them. Mashyuu tilted his head at her and drew a deep breath of air before gripping his spear with both hands and falling into a fighting stance. "Not only do I not have time for this, but I'm getting really sick of you. I think this time I'll kill you since you haven't gotten the hint and just vanished." Mashyuu muttered. A moment later he left his energy shift, his Observation Mantra faded and his eyes turned blue again before his spear flared with power and he activated Armament Mantra on the weapon.

©️ Coding done by Hero Yamamoto

12(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Fri Oct 12, 2018 9:14 pm

Soundless Void


Soundless Void
After a few seconds of silence she realized she may have been too hasty in her approach as she realized she actually didn't ask Mashyuu about a plan of attack or even if he was going to attack, but either way she was now stuck on the ship and now had several enemy weapons all lined up to put multiple holes in her body, of course she could always use her powers and turn to smoke and just get away without a problem but if the crew had a shipwright on board or just someone who was adept at repairs then the ship would still pose a problem if it went after the Phantom Raiders ship, Percila decided it would be best to deal with the situation now rather then later while trying to escape from a volcano active island.

Percila quickly swung her right leg upwards knocking the man who appeared to be the captain's gun out of his hand into the air and then immediately spun her body around as she put her leg back down while spreading her wings causing the captain's man around her to stumble back as the wings hit them while the captain's gun that was also hit by her wing flew through the air into the ocean leaving him with just one unless he dove in after it, using the small circular space around her she leaped into the air and took flight, this time instead of just using her blade to cut the main sails she cut through the wooden pole keeping it suspended in the air, as a result it started to lean before towards the ocean before Percila kicked it towards the ship causing it to fall on top of the eleven closest men too it while they struggled to break free from under it.

Percila then flew around the ship landing back on the lower deck, usually, the captain who had quite a good aim would have already shot her full of holes the lost of his second gun seemed to cripple that aiming as he felt his balance was now slightly off as when he shot instead of shooting at her he shot about two point three meters off causing a bullet hole to form in the wood, Percila glad that he missed as she hadn't activated her devil fruit power's to make sure it went through her took the advantage in the fight.

With a quick spin of her blade in her right hand, she then charged towards a large man with a club  that was occupied by a woman and another male each holding blade's of their own albeit unlike the large men they gripped the hilt with two hands instead of just one, once she got close enough Percila smiled at them while she made a pivot step to the right where the women were located and although she seemed to be a swordsmen as well her speed was far less superior then Percila's as was proven when the former noble slashed her across her rib cage in mid-movement during the pivot without so much as a reaction until it was already done, the women quickly cough up some amount of blood as she fell, Percila looked forward while others of the ship we're coming her way but she didn't have too long to dwell on it before the shadow of the large men was looming over her, Percila quickly flicked her blade upwards above her head as she had the pointy spikes pointed upwards so that when the man swung down his club the force was somewhat lessened before it actually completly hit her blade but now the large mens weapon was stuck in her own, she then lifted up her left leg and kicked directly behind her right into the man's stomach at a quarter of her power causing him to be blown back a meter away as his weapon remained in her's, the third man who had been directly on her was now attacking but Percila responded by swinging her blade while the club was still attched to it to the man's body causing his blade to snap when he tried to defend with it before it hit him and knocked him to the floor, when one of the men who had been on his way attacked she did the same thing except she aimed directly to the man's face with full force causing the club to shatter while completly knocking the attacking assailant out.

With the rest of the Captain's crew finding their way out of the fallen main sail Percila decided she had done enough damage, not only had she completely cut off the wooden sail in which they would have to have recrafted if they wanted to get anywhere but had even taken out a few of their men leaving less manpower to man the ship, with Madori supposedly activating the volcano's it was time to go. Percila while the rest of the crew charged at her and some pointed guns to shoot she then activated her devil fruit ability allowing her to become smoke, she then lifted into the air to make her way back to the Phantom Raider's ship so that they could leave the island as soon as possible.



Last edited by Winged Menace on Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:03 am; edited 1 time in total

13(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:18 pm



The hardest part seemed to extend his reach from the top towards the bottom or under the ground. No matter how hard he tried. Though he was trained and highly skilled, having strength some would say supernatural. He still did not have complete mastery over his devil fruit. This was basically one of the biggest volcano's in all of Jordsand and probably in the Grand Line. What he was doing was unheard of and highly improbable. Though Logias were afforded the luxury of creating an unlimited supply of their element at their will.

It was rare when one had the advantage of being in their element. But as luck would have it, Madori would get his first practice in having this much at his command. However it was his first, and he didn't have the time to sit up here and meditate his way into drawing it upwards. He figured with his current strength it would take the better part of the hour. Something he was sure he wouldn't be able to last against.

He drew his essence within himself into a large pocket of lava to think. Maybe I don't need to pull the whole thing up. My molten rocks are volatile upon impact. The magma has combustible properties . All I really have to do is just get it more active than its ever gotten before. Magmadori now had an idea that he could execute. He willed himself to personally move all the way down through the lava, till he reached the vast bottom. There was nothing to see here. But it felt like how one would look into the ocean.

He had forgotten that feeling. This was the closest he would ever get to feeling the infinite reach of the ocean. Forever cursed till his dying day, he thought he would never get this feeling again, what a time to be alive. He reached out and put his magma hands on the deep bedrock made of obsidian. The pressure on them intensified as he was able to use a large amount of magma for this particular attack. This would be his most powerful technique he could ever perform. Holy shit Madori. Kill them. Super Dai Funka!

A resounding explosion could possibly heard across the island. There was no soul there that didn't hear this thing go off. As far as feeling it, for Madori, it was magic. The magma around him swelled, the bedrock broke and exploded. Letting out an ever greater source of lava held back deeper into the ground. The blast sent tons and tons of lava shooting forward till it even shot past the mouth. Heading into the sky about fifty meters before showering down, some back into the mouth where other specs and meteors flew in a number of directions.

Madori was elated, but then the pressure of the magam surging through him began to alarm him. Oh shit. This much might even reach the ship! Now he was sure he put to much effort into destroying the volcano from the inside out. This type of thing could destroy the world, and his crew was still there. Now was the time to warn them. And for them to part ways after this.

They could never return to this island. He had to stay and finish the job. But first, he had to get out and give them a call as soon as he could. Madori swirled through the magma and shoot forward using his own strength to produce his speed. Aiming himself into the sky he caused the magma to explode around him sending him flying into the air. Speeding like a rocket through the sky, Madori looked out through the sky, the wind battling against his face.

He was able to see the chore. But he was quite a ways from it, there were the Togoro Pirate's whom he had planned to ambush. They caused him and Kouse some peril before, their death was a must. And also the plan to sabotage the Marine's vehicles so that they suffered a slow and painful death. Fighting them head on was suicidal right now.

In mid-air speeding like a bullet, he aimed his descent from the sky towards the Togoro Pirate's. When he felt himself dropping he kicked off the air and stayed on track. Pulling out a the den-den in his cloak still in working order. He gave call to Mashyuu, and then looked back at the volcano. "Mashyuu. I will not get there in time leave without me. I need to stay here and make sure this is finished. Grab everyone and go. The volcano is erupting and its much more dangerous than I thought. Save yourselves." Then he hung up the den den. He would have words with him about this another time.

After he finished this forsaken island off for good. Madori kicked off the air and raced towards the Togoro Pirates.

Unbeknownst to him. Within binoculars distance, the Commodore had been looking at the eruption of the volcano from his position there at base. He had been watching the explosion when he saw a ball magma shot from the mouth after the initial explosion. The ball was huge but it seemed to be very strange as it began to take shape, into....a man?!

The Commodore put binoculars down. There was a man recently in the News...the name was Magmadori. There was no doubt it could only be that man. The Magma man. He would have to evacuate the island now and more importantly his troops. And he also had to call headquarters. This Magmadori had gone too far.

14(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:36 am


Hover over the image below!


Observation Haki: 10/10
Armament Haki: 6/10
Plotter Link:(Click the black space)Plot Info
Skills:(Click the black space)Skill Set
WC Requirement: 00,000
Doriki: 25 to Endurance/Durability

Volcano's started to erupt on the island and Mashyuu simply smiled at Stein while his wings spread wide. "Sadly... I just don't have time for you right now. I'm afraid as much as I'd like to end you, it's going to have to wait for later. I suggest getting off the island as fast as possible." Mashyuu actually liked Stein enough to not want her to die due to a volcano that might not actually end all life on the land. He dropped down and jumped as high as he could while Stein heeded Mashyuu's advice and sheathed her blades then turned for the shore and started sprinting to a hidden Marine ship. Mashyuu flew up into the sky and spotted the dark speck that was Percila flying towards the Skycleaver. The den den in Mashyuu's pocket started to ring and he answered it, quickly going to respond to Madori but the man hung up. Mashyuu grumbled but if anyone would survive lava, it would be Madori. The Captain always knew Madori wouldn't be an extremely long lasting member of the Phantom Raiders, it was made clear when he joined up and the man sighed with sorrow. "Good luck Madori, see you on the other side."

Mashyuu touched down on the Skycleaver shortly after Percila. Sky had already set the ship up and was ready to go. Jarrett shouted orders to the other sailors on the Skycleaver. "Harley, how's everyone doing? We need to get a move on!" "Everyone's fine aside from Elias, he's got a flu and in med bay but he's okay to be moved!" "Sky, how long till we are sailing?" Mashyuu asked the moment Harley gave a report. "Twenty seconds and we are good to go!" "Jarrett, up in the crow's nest and keep an eye for anything coming at us, all hands not tending the ship, get below deck and man the cannons just in case, Sky gun it!" With the orders set Sky nodded, pulled her goggles onto her eyes and called out. "Baltigo! Here We Come!!!" She pulled a lever and the ship started to pull water in from the front pipes on the sides of the ship and poured the water out the other end, propelling the Skycleaver forward. At the same time, Mashyuu pulled his breath dial from his pocket and aimed it at the back of the sail giving the ship enough extra wind to propel the ship away from the island.


©️ Coding done by Hero Yamamoto

15(Gran Voyage) Death Island Empty Re: (Gran Voyage) Death Island Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:29 pm



Madori confidently was thinking his plan had gone smoothly. But he turned around in the air to watch his masterpiece...fall apart. He thought that he had made the volcanoes active. But upon looking at them, they indeed spewed lava outside, however it was not powerful as he had thought. He stopped flying towards the shore and skywalked down to an open area. Madori began to feel disappointed and angry. He had thought that this would have worked. But he was not strong enough to move activate the volcano quite just yet.

Madori had already told Mashyuu to leave without him. And there was no way to contact them now. The young pirate would have to find a new way to get off the island. How the hell am I going to get off the island now. Both volcanoes failed to activate. It seemed that he would have to train his Devil fruit powers more extensively than before. For now it seemed Jordsand would stand. The flow of Seastone would continue, and he would be subject to its powers like the rest of the world. Maybe next time he would perform better.

Across the main island, the Commodore who had been watching called the evacuation over as the volcano began to settle down again. It wasn't exploding, yet the man flying from it either was planning this or his plan failed. Either way they would be keeping a close eye for him in the near future. His power would indeed be troublesome if he were to pull of what he was planning.


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